Colour Repair!

Discover the simple tips and tricks to maintain colour, shine and health in your hair.

Getting your haired dyed is only half the process. The important part is maintaining a vibrant colour.

We present to you three different masks from natural ingredients so that you pick the one that suits you best.

Blonde hair

Place a raw, peeled potato and the juice of a lemon in a blender. Beat until the mixture becomes even. Add half a cup of lukewarm chamomile and stir. Potato enzymes give shine to blonde hair when they react with the lemon juice. Apply the mixture to wet hair, from the roots to the ends, slightly massaging the product into the hair. Allow it to settle for five to ten minutes, then shampoo and rinse hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Brown hair

Mix half a cup of cocoa powder, half a cup of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple vinegar. Beat until the mixture becomes even. Honey moisturizes, lactic acid present in the yogurt and vinegar penetrate into the hair thus allowing the cocoa to enter, yielding a rich dark color. Apply the mixture to wet hair, from the roots to the ends, and let it settle for five to ten minutes. Next, shampoo and rinse hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Red hair

Place three carrots and half a cup of cranberries or any other berries, in a blender and mix until you get an even product. Add three tablespoons of yogurt and two tablespoons of honey and stir. Carrots and berries highlight red tones, while the antioxidants they contain will penetrate more easily due to lactic acid present in the yogurt. As for the honey, it helps keep strands hydrated. Apply the mixture to wet hair, from the roots to the ends, and let it settle for five to ten minutes. Lastly, shampoo and rinse hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.


  • For healthy and shiny hair, apply the treatment mask every ten to fifteen days.

  • By wrapping your hair with a towel or in cellophane, it will generate heat, thereby opening the scales of the hair and allowing the mask to penetrate better.