XeroLipo Sculpt: tackles notoriously tricky to treat knees and batwings with its unique 3 pronged attack

XeroLipo Sculpt incorporates laser fat dissolving, muscle toning stimulation and radiofrequency skin tightening for complete body contouring.

There is little doubt that we are all now taking better care of ourselves; following healthy diets and managing to fit exercise into our hectic lifestyles.   Yoga, Pilates and gym work are becoming the norm, with women all over the country reaping the positive health benefits. However, whilst bodies are becoming naturally more toned and muscular, associated weight losses often leave women concerned about batwings and wrinkly knees.

The UK’s leading female cosmetic surgeon: Angelica Kavouni comments: “Loss of fat bulk in upper arms and lower thighs can leave loose skin which can sag or become wrinkled.  Knees and upper arms are areas which traditionally are difficult to treat, but we’ve seen great results with XeroLipo Sculpt.  The beauty of XeroLipo Sculpt, is that each mode can be used in isolation for bespoke body sculpting solutions.”

This device offers three treatment modes which can be used in isolation or in combination.

  1. LASER fat cell reduction: uses dual wavelength low level laser to stimulate the body’s natural fat metabolism, within 10 minutes the targeted fat cells release their contents and shrink giving immediate circumference reduction.
  2. NEUROMUSCULAR STIMULATION TECHNOLOGY: activates muscles and increase metabolism in the target area to burn off the released fat cell contents. This process replicates resistance exercise, whilst lying comfortable on the treatment couch.
  3. RADIOFREQUENCY heat waves to help tighten skin

During this process fat cells are not destroyed, rather they shrink so XeroLipo Sculpt is the perfect adjunct to healthy diet and exercise programmes.