A Closer Look At Flaxseed & Peppers

Superfoods for the most part are herbal and have not undergone any processing. If you want to achieve the optimal intake of antioxidants and vitamins from superfoods, then there is no need to mention that it is appropriate to avoid processed and prepackaged foods, as they contain much lower concentrations of beneficial nutrients than any fresh or raw food.

What’s impressive with superfoods is that one can easily integrate them in their everyday life through an array of imaginative combinations. There are, however, superfoods that are not so rare and are already included in your diet without you always noticing all their beneficial properties. Forget about supplements and boost your body with the following foods:


Flaxseed became popular in recent years because of the effect it has on the cardiovascular system, as regular consumption appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is all down to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. The best way to go about this is to buy the whole flaxseed and grind it just before eating it in order to get the maximum benefit from all the antioxidants present. Especially during the warmer months of the year, you should preserve it in the refrigerator, as it should always be stored in a cool and shaded place. If you do not have time to grind a small amount every day, you can simply prepare your yogurt with two tablespoons of flaxseed from the previous day. This will allow you to chew the flaxseed with more ease whilst allowing your body to absorb all the valuable nutrients more directly. To boot, feel free to add it to salads or cooked foods, as the vegetable fibers can make any meal more filling and nutritious.


Nobody expects peppers to be one of the most nutritious foods that should be consumed on a regular basis. Yet, peppers are vegetables that are rich in fibers, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and improve the feeling of satiety whilst smoothening the functioning of the metabolism. A red pepper has about 209mg of vitamin C whereas an orange contains about 60mg, and the daily needs of a non-smoking adult are 75mg. Also, there are many studies that indicate that the consumption of spicy red peppers can increase your metabolism and decreased appetite. However, not only the spicy kinds of peppers are beneficial to the body. Research published in the Clinical Nutrition journal in June 2009, showed that sweet peppers contribute to the reduction of appetite, especially when there already is a reduction in food intake. Take note that this does not constitute a recommendation to an endless consumption of peppers, but another reason to make your meals more colorful and nutritiously rich.

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