How to regulate your metabolism

There are some foods that increase our metabolic rate. Let's take a look at some of them:

Avocado: Rich in essential fatty acids, which are beneficial to our overall health, and contribute to the regulation of body weight and metabolism, as well as hormonal balance, and the quality of our hair, skin and nails. They contain antioxidants, which slow down the ageing process and protect against heart attach and cancer, as well as B vitamins which help to combat stress.

Wild salmon: Low in calories and saturated fats, and high in good-quality protein, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids which protect the heart. Studies have shown that wild salmon, and fish in general, should be present in our diet, as they reduce the risk of heart disease and colorectal cancer. Experts recommend eating fish at least twice a week, alongside a green salad or steamed vegetables. 

Almonds: Contain fibre, protein and good fats. Rich in monounsaturated fats, which contribute to the elimination of cholesterol in the blood, particularly 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol. They contain oleic acid and are rich in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

Oats: Rich in fibre, which helps to absorb stomach acids, resulting in a quicker feeling of satiation. They also prevent absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine, helping to maintain blood sugar levels, and therefore preventing snacking. Oats are rich in protein which stimulates the metabolism, as well as vitamin E, calcium, zinc and manganese.

Sweet potatoes: A good source of vitamin Β6, which helps the body to produce more energy from food. They contain complex carbohydrates, which release their energy slowly. They are also rich in fibre, making you feel full without making you gain weight. You can eat them roasted or boiled.

Spinach: Rich in folic acid, vitamins and minerals. Folic acid, which is part of the vitamin B complex, is essential for certain body functions, such as metabolising sugars. Lack of folic acid leads to a feeling of fatigue. Spinach contains almost no fat or calories.

Strawberries: Have a low glycemic index, therefore release sugar into the blood slowly. This leads to a steady production of energy in the body, which makes you feel fuller for longer. They also contain low levels of iron and large amounts of pectin, a type of plant fibre that helps to lower cholesterol levels and eliminate toxins from the body. Studies have shown that strawberries also improve cardiac health by stimulating folic acid levels. They are rich in antioxidants and stimulate the immune system. Eat them plain, without adding sugar.

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