Raw food diet and protein

Adequate protein intake is one of the first things that comes to mind when hearing about a diet without meat, fish, chicken, eggs and cheese. Let's have a look at scientific facts and vegan protein choices available to those following this diet.


It is absolutely clear that it is possible to cover 100% of our protein requirements through a variety of plant-based foods rich in protein. The most important of these include pulses, soy products, seitan (wheat gluten), quinoa, linseed and nuts. All of these are basic ingredients in the vegan diet, and can be supplemented with protein-rich vegetables such as asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli. 

Finally, for people who find it difficult to consume these kinds of products on a daily basis, there are various protein powders available that are made of plant-based ingredients. Examples include pea protein, rice protein, oat protein and soy protein. So, stock up on plant-based foods rich in protein and discover a new world of delicious combinations.

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