The Cinnamon Trap

By Daniel Kapsis, clinical dietitian and sports nutritionist.

You may have heard or read about the positive properties of some spices, including cinnamon. In particular, in 2012, in a very interesting study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, it appeared that patients with diabetes who received 3g of Ceylon cinnamon showed improved sugar and blood lipid levels. During the same 8-month period of this supplementary administration of cinnamon, these patients experienced significant weight loss compared to the placebo subgroup.

If you are wondering why the origin of cinnamon is mentioned above, its because of the trap that the food industry is trying to create by introducing consumers to the cheapest version of cinnamon, cassia, which is produced and processed in China. On the other hand, Ceylon Cinnamon, which has been associated with positive effects on the body, is produced in Sri Lanka, is more expensive and more scarce. Its Latin name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum, also known as Cinnamomum verum, which means true cinnamon.

The differences between the two types are significant and notable. On the organoleptic side, Ceylon Cinnamon is characterized by a sweeter and finer flavor. The most important difference, however, has to do with their chemical composition. In particular, the coumarin component, which is contained in cinnamon cassava 1200 times more than in Ceylon cinnamon.

So, think twice before ordering your coffee with lots of cinnamon of unknown origin and take advantage of the unique properties of Ceylon cinnamon by adding it to your daily diet.

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