Is EMS the new weapon towards a better body?

EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) is a trend that promises to quickly and permanently change your body, giving you strength and helping you to lose fat and weight. What do we know about this technique?

EMS is not new, as it has been used by physiotherapists and other recovery specialists for decades. In the past few years, it has become popular again, as many professional athletes and models have posted photos on social media, claiming that it has changed their life. However, studies on this method remain unclear.

A study that was carried out in 2017 on 21 male cyclists found that 4 weeks of EMS training did not improve their strength or stamina significantly. Another study found that EMS could improve squatting form, and that results improved further when combined with other traditional methods of training. On the other hand, a recent study on athletes found that 10 EMS sessions improved their performance in sprinting, and a study on 89 healthy young adults in 2012 found that training with EMS for three to six weeks led to a significant increase in strength and speed.

Regarding the subject of weight loss, the results of these studies seem promising, as a small study on obese older women in Germany found that a weekly EMS session of 20 minutes had a positive effect on metabolic markers and significantly reduced their waist circumference. Another small-scale research study has shown positive results in terms of reducing abdominal fat in 46 women.

In any case, it is certain that regardless of whether one chooses to use EMS as their exercise, they should know that cardiovascular health is not achieved through a machine like this. Combined use of this method is a good idea, with several surveys beginning to accept some proven benefits.