Can SARS-CoV-2 be transmitted via food packaging?

The answer is yes, but the danger seems to be minimal at this stage. In order to become infected from the food packaging, you need to fall into a series of mistakes:

*Τhe packaging needs to be previously handled by an ill person with an active viral load or by someone who is not ill but has previously touched an infected surface.

*During the time of contact, the viral particles must be transferred on to the package.

*The number of viral particles which are transmitted must be enough to lead to an infection.

*The viral particles must survive on the package until it is touched.

*You need to touch the package.

*During the time of contact the viral particles must transmit onto your hands

*The number of viral particles which are transmitted must be enough to lead to an infection.

*You need to touch your mouth, nose or eyes.

*During the time of this contact the viral particles must transmit to your mouth, nose or eyes.

* The number of viral particles that transmit must be enough to lead to an infection.

Taking into consideration all the above, disinfecting the food packaging that comes into your house, maybe seems slightly overprotective- but it is not completely irrational.

Kapsis Daniel
Dietician-Sports Nutritionist RD, MSc, PhDc