SYMMETRIA safeguards the health in respect to the Covid-19 coronavirus

The new coronavirus has managed to disrupt the entire planet in a short time. At SYMMETRIA, always with the aim of safeguarding the health of our clients, we have chosen to manage the situation calmly, following all the necessary hygiene rules as well as adopting the message of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, "Don’t be afraid, protect yourself, knowledge is your shield".

As a healthcare provider, SYMMETRIA works to control and prevent the spread of all viruses, and in particular the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Given that the virus is highly dispersed and thousands of outbreaks are already recorded worldwide, the following procedures are followed by all visitors and employees of SYMMETRIA:

  1. We measure the temperature of each visitor/worker with an infrared thermometer, which measures the temperature quickly and reliably, without contact.
  2. We ask clients if they have recently traveled to or from China or northern Italy.
  3. We show them the antiseptic gel next to the entrance and urge them to use it.
  4. We inform them of the vital hygiene rules that they should obey so as to protect and prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus.
  5. We often and thoroughly wash our hands with soap and water or an alcoholic solution.
  6. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with an elbow or a tissue and wash hands immediately.
  7. Dispose of the tissue immediately after use in a closed bin.
  8. Avoid close contact with others if you are experiencing cold symptoms (such as cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat) and remain at home.

    Personnel engaged with the measurement of the infrared thermometer and guidance of visitors wear surgical masks at all times.

    In the case of a visitor experiencing symptoms of fever or cough that has travel history in an affected area (mainly in China and Italy) we contact ΕΟΔΥ (2105212000, 2105212054) and provide the patient with a surgical mask. The personnel involved in patient management also apply all basic contact precautions as required. 

    In all treatment areas there is antibacterial hand soap liquid and antiseptic gel. Also, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces is done with a detergent and water, as well as a disinfectant spray, and medical equipment is always sterilized.

    All other areas of the building (accessible mainly by SYMMETRIA staff) are also equipped with antibacterial liquid soap, antiseptic gel and disinfectant spray.

    We show them the antiseptic gel next to the entrance and urge them to use it.We inform them of the vital hygiene rules that they should obey so as to protect and prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus.