Steps To Get Rid Of Male Body Fat Part 2


  1. Pay attention to your protein intake

Whether it's almonds, yogurt, or a salmon fillet, protein is necessary. Good sources of low fat proteins are fish, seafood, chicken (skinless), lean beef pieces, eggs (especially whites) and soy products like tofu. Any food we consume requires energy in order to be digested, Protein sources for example require the body to spend around 30% of the energy intake from the food, which means that on an indirect level, the metabolism of the body is increased by 10-15% during the day.

  1. Improve your levels of vitamin D

A recent study by the University of Minnesota showed that those with adequate levels of vitamin D managed to lose more weight when on a diet, compared to those who do not have sufficient levels of that vitamin. One reason why this happens is that the body can secrete more leptin if it has sufficient levels of vitamin D. Leptin is the hormone that sends satiety signal to the brain. Good sources of vitamin D are fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as your exposure to sunlight. By exposing your hands to the sun for twenty minutes at least five times a week, you can meet your needs for vitamin D.

  1. Minimize the intake of processed carbohydrates

Sugars and starch are the main foods that trigger the secretion of insulin in the body: the hormone that promotes the storage of fat. Usually, processed carbohydrates are those that contain more sugars and starch and less fiber, which is the core reason for promoting greater levels of secretion of insulin. If you want to minimize fat storage in the body, opt for unrefined carbohydrates such as fruits, oats, unrefined rye bread and buckwheat.

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