Soda Magic!

 Baking soda, which derives from a naturally occurring mineral and is one of the most safe and useful products that one can have at home, is an all-time favorite ingredient. To boot, it also has countless benefits and effective properties.

Apart from its use in various recipes, soda can be used as a household cleaner. Behind this humble kitchen ingredient you will find a great cosmetic substance for the skin, hair and teeth.

Over the past couple of years there is much talk about the healing properties of baking soda. The main active ingredient present within soda is sodium bicarbonate, which helps maintain the pH balance in our blood. For this reason professionals are recommending its use in addressing cases of colds and even cancer!


Blend Me

Sparkling Smoothie

Offers hydration and plenty of electrolytes.

Ingredients (1 portion)

½ cup frozen berries or strawberries

½ cup orange juice

½ bio red apple without the skin

1 peeled mandarin

1/8 teaspoon baking soda


Mix all the ingredients in a blender and add a couple of ice cubes to make the smoothie more refreshing and to preserve its texture.

Nutritional Analysis (per serving)

Energy: 155Kcal

Protein: 1.97g

Carbohydrates: 37.9g

Fat: 0.9g

Fibers: 5.7g


Eat Me

Low Glycemic Index Bread

Filling, healthy and easy to prepare at home.


2 cups oats

1 cup. whole-wheat flour

½ cup oat bran

2 cups milk

1 ½ teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon flaxseed

1 tablespoon sesame paddy

1 tablespoon sunflower

1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon lemon juiced


In a simple mixer with blades, add the oats and allow to mix until they turn into a flour texture. Mix with the whole-wheat flour, oat bran, soda and the flaxseed, sunflower and pumpkin seeds in a large bowl. Slowly add the milk and lemon and mix with your hands for 2-3 minutes until you have an even dough mixture. Place the mixture in a rectangular baking pan and sprinkle a couple of water droplets with your hands over it. Cover with the sesame paddy and place in the oven at 200ºC for 40 minutes.

Nutritional Analysis (30g slice)

Energy: 71Kcal

Protein: 3g

Carbohydrates: 12g

Fat: 1g

Fibers: 2g


Try Me

Soda Cleansing Mask

Get rid of brown spots and enjoy the exfoliating properties.

*Baking soda has antibacterial and antiseptic properties.


1 teaspoon baking soda

2 tablespoons olive oil


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you have an even product. If it is too watery, add some more baking soda. Apply on the face in soft, cyclical motions and focus on the areas that you have dark spots. Allow the mask to act for 10-15 minutes and then remove well with lukewarm water.

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